Sunday, October 28, 2007

Obama & Clinton....KUMBAYA? Heck NO!

"The notion that somehow changing the tone means simply that we let them say whatever they want to say or that there are no disagreements and that we’re all holding hands and singing ‘Kumbaya’ is obviously not what I had in mind and not how I function. And anybody who thinks I have, hasn’t been paying attention.”-Obama in interview to NYT

There it is ladies and gentleme. Out in the open. Obama is ready to get down and dirty and show CLinton what he's got. But will the polls reflect his intentions? SO far Clinton seems to be leaidng the pack although Obama seems to be hoarding the news headlines with his statements. Obama has been very clear about his policies, Clinton has been a bit blurry and frankly a little bit discomforting. I do not know if Obama's "assertive approach " will get him anywhere because for some reason everyone likes Hillary Clinton...Obama kept saying thorughout the article that he is ready to directly attack Hillary..what good does that do Obama?
But what else would he do anyway? I mean the guy is trying his hardest for the people to accept him but he needs to convince the middle aga group and he older age group to vote for him.

I guess we will just have to wait and watch.

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