Sunday, November 11, 2007

meh....same ol' same ol'

Lack of experience vs. lack of answers/ a stand.

"A poll driven campaign." That is the way Obama is decsribing Clinton's presidential campaign. At the Jefferson-Jackson dinner in Iowa, both CLinton and Obama took jabs at each other BUT indirectly. OOOH very messy.
Ealier in the year, I compared politics to an afternoon soap and man oh man...t would be great TV. All the news talks about now is Obama and Clinton pointing out each others' faults. But indirectly. That is why we have political analysts. They identify the "indirect" recipient of a jab. Obama said Clinton is running textbook campaign and is not providing the public with answers about the way she would run the country. Clinton says that Obama needs experience. He's a rookie. And there is John Edwards, who said, "I watch the Republican candidates — Giuliani, Romney, McCain — and what I see is George Bush on steroids." What is going on? The media likes controversy so ofcourse it will cover these little indirect fights..but what about the real issues? I guess those who care will investigate further...but what about those who don't? Will they vote for the rookie, the old and experieinced, the guy with great or hair, or those who seem like "George Bush on steroids"?


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