Sunday, December 9, 2007

The big P

Plagiarism. The term in itself has too many definitions. I mean there is room for possibly every form of "copied work". i personally think that The Missourian's against Merrill were too harsh. Personally I would have gone with one of the options presented in, I think, the first link. I wouild have had Merril personallyl apologize to the editor of The Maneater, and apologize to the journalist involved, and apologize to the column. I think that The Missourian made a scapegoat out of Merrill. I mean I completely see where they're coming from...being hypocritical IS one of my biggest fears. The eidtor of the Missourian definitely made his point very clear. Just don't do it. Even if you are 83 years old a professor emiritus...don't do it. I do not agree with Clark when he said that he does not htink that what Merrill did was plagiarism. It clearly was a form of plagiarism. I also understand Merrill's defense and his use of the Categorical was all in good intentions. But in today's world, who has time to look deep enough to judge the nature of the intention? My basic rule is that any unoriginal work used in my work should be attributed. What he did was wrong. The Missourian should have made a better choice.

That politics website was INCREDIBLE! I mean seriously wow. I actualy bookmarked that page. No joke. But it was also kind of scary. Mainly because it was so easy to find information...the really private if the candidate has a permit, his tax records...etc. Is this same stuff about me out there as well? I mean WHAT? It also reminded of the power I have as a journalist. Regardless of this website, I have the power to access so much information and it is my job to make sure that I do justice to that access and to that information.

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