Tuesday, September 4, 2007

ELECTION 2008-- Obama and his proposals.

Senator Barack Obama is a symbol of hope for me. Actually, i would say that he is a symbol of change in a positive direction. Yes he is a young-un. Yes he hardly has any experience when compared to his competitors. But he probably has the most hunger within him to implement a much needed change in the politics of this country. In an article published in The Boston Globe on 09/04/07 [http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2007/09/04/obama_proposes_ethics_reform_plan/]
Obama suggested an end to the revolving door policy, and specifically addressd the issue of lobbying in the capital. The ongoings in DC generally seem too complicated to be simplified. Therefore many just choose to stay away. Several tmes, I become a part of that "many." But after realizing the impact that we have on the entire world, I chose to at least try to understand what actually is going on in the Capitol Hill or in the White House. The Jack Abarmoff scandal highlighted the affect of lobbyists on the country. A free golf outing resulted in a proposal for a policy change. Obama said that he wants to create a central database for the public to access lobbying reports. The revolving door policy has infested the government for too long, and Obama said that he would come up with rules and regulations regarding this issue. We need change. It is a reality too hard to miss. Is this a step towards a successful change? I do not know. But it is a step towards the realization of reality and the choice to tackle this very reality.

1 comment:

Lisa W. Drew said...

You sure chose a great example with Jack Abramoff (note spelling). I sometimes fear that even if we had Obama's central database, our citizenry is so capable of apathy that not much would change. You new journalists are key to engaging citizens.