Sunday, September 23, 2007

Clinton encore?!

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton seems to have gained a lead in the Democratic Presidential Candidacy polls. And that is bad bad news for the other candidates namely, Sen. Obama and Sen. Edwards. How will they get back in the lead. Will there trash talk Sen. CLinton with a hint of of political correctness? Or will they just ignore this event and keep moving towards the gold?
Well come to The Days of Election '08, featuring the young and "inexperienced" Barack Obama, The Bold Hillary CLinton, and John Edwards whose expensive hair cut literally made the world turn. Our election seems to be a soap opera at its best. Those who care will pay attention to the policy choices of these candidates. And those who don't care enough just wan't who is winning and who does win.
Whatever happened to the other candidates? Poor Deniss Kucinich seems to be in the news for all the wrong reasons: did an absolutely gorgeous woman marry a man aka Rep. Kucinich who is twice her age? And when will he realize that his campaign will turn futile like his other presidential campaign attempt? And who are the other democratic candidates again? The NYT fleetingly mentioned their names in this article that focused on the possibilty of CLinton winning the Democratic Presidential candidate.
The article discussed how Clinton was the last to come out with a health care policy and yet she is ahead. And how "she is tarnished by her White House years and cannot win a general election." And that Obama needs to step it up a notch and so does Edwards. And that it seems that Edwards and Obama have both decided to not diss each other and just work towards the common enemy- Clinton.

I do not know what else to say about this article except that because of the turn of recent events I wonder if I should await the next article on the elections with a bag of potato chips to find out "WHAT HAPPENS NEXT."

I wish there were the articles did not add this touch of sensationalism that already exists around this topic. It is like adding fuel to the fire. REALLY!

My link:

ps: the photog for this story describes an image at a rally in support of Hillary Clinton. only one girl was shown holding up a Cinton poster. Everyone else's said "Obama 08" huh....

1 comment:

Holly said...

i've got my bag of potato chips ready, along with the rest of the country. we eat this stuff up, literally. who doesn't love drama? its dissapointing it takes things like edwards' haircut to get people to pay attention to the election.
yet you posted this blog about this topic...calling the kettle black perhaps?

ps - i really really enjoyed your sentence combining soap opera titles with the candidates. it put a smile across my face.